Furniture Tables



--Furniture Data Base System


--The following code drops and then creates five tables:

--    crremp - a table of employees for Alexander's Furniture

--    crrcust - a table of customers for Alexander's Furniture

--    crritem - a table of the inventory for Alexander's Furniture

--    crrpur - a table of purchases for Alexander's Furniture

--    crrsales - a table of sales for Alexander's Furniture


drop table crrpur;

drop table crrsales;

drop table crrcust;

drop table crremp;

drop table crritem;


--The employee table includes empid as a primary key.


create table crremp (Lastname Varchar2(15),

       Firstname Varchar2(10),

       Address Varchar2(20),

       City Varchar2(15),

       State Char(2),

       Zip Char(5),

       Age Number(3),

       phone varchar2(12),

       empid number(4),

       gender char(1),

       hire_date date,

       salary number(8,2),

       constraint empid_pk Primary Key (empid));


--The item table includes item_code as a primary key.


create table crritem (item_code char(2),

       item_name varchar2(15),

       item_cost number(7,2),

       item_price number(7,2),

       item_quantity number(8),

       constraint item_code_pk Primary Key (item_code));


--The customer table includes cnum as a primary key.

--It also includes empid as a foreign key related to the employee table.


create table crrcust (cnum number(4),

       lname varchar2(15),

       fname varchar2(10),

       birthday date,

       address varchar2(20),

       City Varchar2(10),

       State Char(2),

       Zip Char(5),

       empid number(4),

       rep varchar2(15),

       phone varchar2(12),

       constraint cnum_pk Primary Key (cnum),

       constraint empid_fk Foreign Key (empid) References crremp(empid));


--The sales table includes invoice_no as a primary key.

--It also includes empid as a foreign key related to the employee table

--and item_code as a foreign key related to the item table.


create table crrsales (item_code char(2),

       invoice_no number(4),

       sales_date date,

       quantity number(4),

       item_price number(7,2),

       tot_price number(7,2),

       empid number(4),

       constraint inv_pk Primary Key (invoice_no),

       constraint emp_fk Foreign Key (empid) References crremp(empid),

       constraint item_fk Foreign Key (item_code) References crritem(item_code));


--The purchases table includes po_no as a primary key.

--It also includes item_code as a foreign key related to the item table.


create table crrpur (po_no number(4),

       arr_date date,

       item_code char(2),

       quantity number(4),

       tot_cost number(9,2),

       constraint po_pk Primary Key (po_no),

       constraint it_fk Foreign Key (item_code) References crritem(item_code));


--The program also creates four sequences to identify the empid

--customer number, item code, invoice number and purchase order number.


drop sequence empno;

drop sequence cust;

drop sequence inv;

drop sequence po;

create sequence empno start with 1000;

create sequence cust start with 5000;

create sequence inv start with 1;

create sequence po start with 1;
